Dr. Kyle Kurkela Research Computing Service, Boston University Spring 2025 Please contact us at help@scc.bu.edu. ==================================================================================== BIDS 1. Copy the tutorial data to your local project space. a. Copy the tutorial .zip file to the directory you wish to work in: []$ cd /projectnb/YOUR_PROJECT/some_directory []$ cp /project/scv/examples/imaging/tut_dataprep_scc/* . []$ unzip dicom.zip * Note: you can also use the 00_getdata.sh bash script to copy the data: []$ 00_getdata.sh b. Explore the data (DICOMS): view the dicom directory []$ ls dicom/ explore the header of one of the dicom files []$ module load afni []$ dicom_hdr dicom/ 2. Convert DICOMS to NIFTI []$ module load dcm2niix []$ mkdir nifti []$ dcm2niix -o nifti/ dicom/* 3. Explore the converted data (NIFTI): []$ ls nifti a. explore the header information []$ module load sublime []$ sublime nifti/dicom_T1_MEMPRAGE_1.0mm_p3_20220801133223_7.json b. explore the imaging data []$ module load freesurfer []$ freeview nifti/dicom_T1_MEMPRAGE_1.0mm_p3_20220801133223_7.nii 4. Convert the DICOMs to BIDS a. load the dcm2bids module []$ module load dcm2bids b. create a new directory where you want to store your BIDS formated data []$ mkdir bids c. create a bids 'scaffold' -- a directory with all the BIDS files and folders []$ dcm2bids_scaffold -o bids d. create a config.json file using your preferred text editor []$ module load sublime []$ sublime config.json e. bids-ify your DICOM files!! []$ dcm2bids -d dicom -p 001 -c config.json -o bids f. remove the temporary bids directory []$ rm -rf bids/tmp_dcm2bids g. test the dataset using the bids valdiator []$ firefox --new-window https://bids-standard.github.io/bids-validator/ & h. add some text to the README file []$ module load sublime []$ sublime bids/README i. remove the two subjects from the participants.tsv file []$ module load sublime []$ sublime bids/participants.tsv j. test the dataset again []$ firefox --new-window https://bids-standard.github.io/bids-validator/ & 5. Explore BIDS datastructure a. look at the dataset descripton, README, participants.tsv []$ sublime bids/dataset_description.json []$ sublime bids/README []$ sublime bids/participants.tsv b. look at the output format []$ tree bids/ ==================================================================================== MRIQC a. open the mriqc.qsub file and edit the file paths to suit your needs: []$ module load sublime []$ sublime 02_mriqc.qsub b. submit the job to the queue to run. It should take less than 20 minutes to run []$ qsub 02_mriqc.qsub c. Once the job has finished running, inspect the html reports using a web browser: []$ firefox --new-window bids/derivatives/mriqc/sub001_task-checkerboard_bold.html & ==================================================================================== FMRIPREP a. open the mriqc.qsub file and edit the file paths to suit your needs: []$ module load sublime []$ sublime 03_fmriprep.qsub b. submit the job to the queue to run. It should take less than 2 hours to run []$ qsub 03_fmriprep.qsub c. Once the job has finished running, inspect the html reports using a web browser: []$ firefox --new-window bids/derivatives/fmriprep/sub-001.html &