#!/bin/bash # Set your SCC project #$ -P scv # Specify hard time limit for the job. # The job will be aborted if it runs longer than this time. # The default time is 12 hours #$ -l h_rt=12:00:00 # Send an email when the job finishes or if it is aborted (by default no email is sent). #$ -m ea # Give job a name #$ -N fmriprep_example # Combine output and error files into a single file #$ -j y #$ -pe omp 4 #$ -l mem_per_core=4G # Keep track of information related to the current job echo "==========================================================" echo "Start date : $(date)" echo "Job name : $JOB_NAME" echo "Job ID : $JOB_ID $SGE_TASK_ID" echo "==========================================================" # now that our dataset is BIDS valid, lets run MRIQC! # running MRIQC is pretty easy! # load the mriqc module module load fmriprep # specify where on the SCC your BIDS formatted data lies BIDS_DIR='/projectnb/scv/kkurkela/tutorial/bids' # specify where on the SCC you want the output reports to be written OUTPUT_DIR='/projectnb/scv/kkurkela/tutorial/bids/derivatives' # specify where on the SCC you want temporary files to be written. Defaulting here to your job's temporary directory WORK_DIR=$TMP # request computational resources NCORES=$NSLOTS NTHREADS=$NSLOTS MEM=16 fmriprep $BIDS_DIR $OUTPUT_DIR participant -w $WORK_DIR --participant-label 001 --fs-no-reconall --mem-mb 16000 --nprocs $NCORES --omp-nthreads $NTHREADS