#!/bin/bash -l # Specify the project #$-P krcs # Specify time limit #$-l h_rt=48:00:00 #Specify number of GPUs #$-l gpus=1 #GPU capabiility #$-l gpu_c=6.0 #Send me email when job is done #$-m e #Give job a name #$-N dl #Join output and error streams #$-j y #load all necessary modules and env: module load cuda/8.0 module load anaconda2 export CONDA_ENVS_PATH=/project/vkolagrp/anaconda/:/share/pkg/anaconda2/4.2.0/install/envs/ source activate deeplearningenv export THEANO_FLAGS='mode=FAST_RUN,device=gpu' python fibrosis_cnn_transfer_learning.py